Tylo Sauna Heaters

Over the years Tylö has pioneered numerous innovations to improve and develop the function, safety and enjoyment of sauna bathing. Today’s Tylö sauna heaters are the pinnacle of sauna technology, and classic models excel over other brands in one crucial area after the other. You only have to look at the design, the precision and the quality of the finish to see that. But the difference in class really begins to show once the heater is switched on – and you can begin to switch off. All of the sauna heaters available at Blackchurch Lesiure are in a power outlet suitable for both commercial & spa sauna and home sauna usage.

Combi Home Sauna Hea...

To enjoy the relaxing properties of a steam sauna at home, simply choo...

Expression Combi Sau...

Expression Combi takes sauna heaters to a new level. You can enjoy a r...

Megaline OC

The robust Megaline OC follows a proven tradition of excellence and ca...

Megaline SK

For saunas between 18 and 46 cubic metres.The SK heater is an outstand...

MPE Home Sauna Heate...

With an easily accessible electronic control panel that shows time and...

Sauna Heater SK

Requires separate electronic control panel type CC. Patented Feature: ...

SD Sauna Heater Pro

For decades Tylö has been the obvious choice for saunas in hotels, cl...

Sense Plus Sauna Hea...

Sense Plus is a brand new sauna heater, combining sleek design with th...

SK Sauna Heater

Requires separate thermostatic control panel type TS.Patented Feature:...

Sport Home Sauna Hea...

A heater for small sauna rooms. Stone compartment for use with Mini sa...

Tylo Air

With the Tylö Air we have developed a completely new sauna heater to ...